Nyanlända elever/ Newly arrived

Information for newly arrived pre-school and school pupils
Children from ages 3-5 are entitled to attend pre-school for 15 hours a week.
Teaching is available for all in Mellerud. There are preparatory Swedish classes for children and adults arriving in the country. These classes will give the students sufficient knowledge of Swedish to be able to continue in established classes as soon as possible.
- For children between 3-5 years
Administrator - 0530-181 17 - For children between 6 –16 years
Head of each school- link: www.mellerud.se/skola-och-barnomsorg/grundskolor/adress-och-telefon-till-grundskolorna/ - For 6th form (16-19 years)
Head of high school - 0530-182 85
Sidan uppdaterades 20 mars 2025